School Activities
- 11/12/2023
- 09/12/2023
Parents’ Day
- 06/12/2023
Drama Workshop Taps into Students’ Emotions
- 30/11/2023
Health Education Club - Healthy Drinks Day
- 29/11/2023
Home Economics Club - Mango Glutinous Rice Dumpling Workshop
- 28/11/2023
S4 Visual Arts Field Trip to PMQ
- 24/11/2023
Field Trip to Ma Shi Chau
- 22/11/2023
S5 Geography Field Camp
- 15/11/2023
Admission Information Parallel Session
- 11/11/2023
Health Education Club - TEENS Teeth Award Scheme 2023-2024
- 10/11/2023
S2 Evening Camp
- 05/11/2023
Volunteering Service for UNICEF Charity Run 2023